Open letter: put women and girls at the heart of Government policy

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Photo of a red flag with the text "ActionAid" at the COP26 climate march in Glasgow.

To our future Government,  

We are living in a world where we witness and experience injustice deepening because of multiple global challenges, including the cost-of-living crisis, rollbacks on all women and girls’ rights, attacks on human rights, the climate emergency and protracted and new conflicts.   

Despite facing these threats, women and girls, in all their diversity, are leading the response to the world’s challenges. Using their unique understanding of their communities, they provide long-term solutions without leaving anyone behind. Yet, women and girls’ rights organisations and voices remain undervalued, underrepresented in decision-making spaces and chronically underfunded.

Together, we are calling on you to champion women’s leadership and support the life-saving work of women’s rights organisations, to deliver real change for women and girls around the world.

To do this we’re asking you to:

  • Ensure that all policies and funding - domestic and international – prioritise the rights of all women and girls  
  • Increase the percentage of Official Development Assistance (ODA) for women and girls’ rights organisations 
  • Ensure all funding for womens rights organisations is long-term, flexible and for the priorities of those organisations  
  • Promote and resource the meaningful participation of women and girls within decision-making spaces, including in humanitarian response and peacebuilding 



The British Public 


ActionAid at the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice during COP26 in Glasgow  Photo: Daniel Jukes/ActionAid